Wangard Partners

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Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Recognizes Water Sustainability

At their monthly commission meeting, MMSD recognized Wangard Partners’ Freshwater Plaza in Walker’s Point, for the vision and foresight to sustainably manage water where it falls.The Green Luminaries award is given to community leaders that recognize the need to help protect our rivers and Lake Michigan by adopting practices that harvest rainwater for other uses and mimic nature by draining it into the ground to reduce water pollution.“Green Luminaries like these projects are led by true champions who recognize not only the need to manage stormwater, but also the needs to innovate and grow, to create lasting good works, and to connect people and prosperity to the environment.”

- Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

This 30,000-gallon, underground cistern and four reflecting pools flanked by planter boxes is a joint forced wetland experiment in collaboration with the City of Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences and the Sigma Group. This project has aided in the effort to finalize the gateway to the area and most importantly captures 75,000 gallons of rain each time it rains.”

- Michael Cockroft, Project Manager, Construction – Wangard Partners, Inc.

Watch the full two-minute video on this innovative water feature on the MMSD website.